Friday, February 28, 2025

January 2025 Randoms

 I transitioned from my old polka dot planner binder to the new one I got myself for Christmas.

Out with the old...

In with the new!

(One, or I guess two, of my jobs is that I'm the Editorial Manager of Cape Cod Moms and Rhode Island Moms.)

And here's another one of my jobs that I happened to take a screenshot of last month (Op-Ed Lab Manager for Mormon Women for Ethical Govnerment).

I liked the way my hair looked on this day!

It's cool that this happened!

Written proof that I am Sam's favorite parent 😄

I found out that one of the missionaries serving in my ward is a popular YouTuber along with his twin brother. Once I found out, I followed his channel and let him know at church and he said, "Let's goooo!" 😀

A candle made from beeswax that the guy I was dating (who is now my boyfriend! 💕) made and gave to me. He does beekeeping for one of his hobbies. 

And my third and final job! I worked at the library after a three-day weekend. Look at all the books that were returned! 😱 I checked in at least half of these!

Speaking of which, what a cozy and cute book! 

Sam and I talked about this. Maybe Mr. Beast will buy TikTok! I still wish TikTok would go away entirely, but I'm not as averse if it's out of Chinese ownership (and surveillance).