Monday, February 24, 2025

Around the House in January

 Some of my winter and Valentine's decorations...

For my reference album to remind me of where everything goes next year when I do this all over again.

I rarely buy holiday decorations anymore because I have more than enough and not as much space as I used to have, but I did get these cute little heart pillow fillers because I had a good place for them, and I liked them.

I also bought a pretty hearts-and-roses felt garland to go under the TV because it was too empty under there and it filled the space in nicely.
And that dishscape! Perfect for January!

Here was "my little Ol doll" as I like to call her (her name is Olive), resting on my stomach. I still miss Romeo and I really miss Violet, but Olive is nice to have around and she's good company.