Wednesday, January 15, 2025

My Cool Nancy Drew Quilt!

 My mom got me the coolest Nancy Drew quilt for Christmas! I was with her when she bought it for me at the PolyArts Festival in September, and then I completely forgot about it! So I was genuinely surprised when I opened it on Christmas morning—very pleasantly surprised, I might add. 😀 I'm a longtime Nancy Drew fan: I vividly remember the thrill I felt as I devoured Nancy Drew books when I was younger. I liked her a lot, along with the other characters (Ned, Bess, and George), and I loved the mysteries and trying to figure them out. I think my love of the mystery genre started with Nancy Drew.

It's a beautiful quilt, designed to be hung on the wall of the great library I shall one day have. 😊 For now, it's folded up with blankets in the chest at the foot of my bed.

The stripes are book spines lined up on shelves. Clever!

I read all of these, and many more.

The back of the quilt is made up of small pictures of Nancy, along with funny little quotes from the books. 

Good advice! 😄

Even more good advice!

I have a lot of the yellow-spined regular editions; they're the ones I read when I was younger, and until/unless I get a spacious library, they reside in a storage bin. I now collect vintage and antique editions of Nancy Drew, and they currently hold a place of honor on one of my bookshelves. They're one of my favorite things to collect.

My Nancy Drew quilt is my favorite gift of Christmas 2024, and I will treasure it always. Thanks, Mom!