Thursday, October 17, 2024

President Nelson's 100th Birthday!

 I love President Nelson! If anyone could make it to 100 in as good of shape as he's in, it's him! There was a live broadcast on his birthday (September 9th) that my dad and I watched. It was totally worth the watch. In my usual way, I took some pictures of the screen to document it (and pretend like I was there 😄).

Jenny Oaks Baker played the violin. I love her music and albums.

President Nelson gave a pre-recorded address.

Balloons streamed down at the end as everybody sang "Happy Birthday." It was so fun and festive!

I'm so glad President Nelson is still with us. He's such an inspiration and a good example of how to be truly successful in life. I'm not a blind follower of the prophet; I'm an informed one. Following his counsel over the last six years has blessed my life in numerous ways that have changed me and the course of my life forever. He has helped me understand how to have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and how my temple covenants give me special power. He's helped me to love the temple and make it a major part of my life when before, I merely went on occasion and didn't really get what it was all about. That's been a game-changer for me. Following his counsel helped me through the hardest, darkest time of my life with faith and a testimony that grew brighter and stronger than ever before. That's how I know that he's the Lord's prophet on the earth today. By their fruits ye shall know them.

To end on a humorous note...


Happy 100th Birthday, President Nelson!