Friday, September 27, 2024

Wisdom, Humor, and Inspiration in August 2024

 Here they are in the order I took them, with little commentary from me because I'm short on time and they pretty much speak for themselves anyway. I'm going to put a πŸ˜‚ by the ones that I think are especially funny!

Me too



This was from a webinar I watched

Her laugh is grating 😫

This is one of my favorite Conference talks. What Elder Bednar teaches here makes so much sense, and I know it works because I experience it for myself.

Partaking of the sacrament and renewing my covenants with the Lord is the most important reason why I go to church each week.

This is one of my favorite stories in the Book of Mormon and has been since I was a kid. It became even more meaningful to me as a mother of sons. I taught a Sunday School lesson about it in August.

Turns out, she didn't need it to be. She did well in the debate thanks to the moderators not following up when she gave non-answers and not fact-checking her at all, while they did both of those things to Trump. But I'll save the rest of my insightful analysis 😜 for September's posts, since that's when the debate happened and we're talking about August here. I'm nothing if not orderly and organized. πŸ˜„

