On the last day of our annual summer Cape Cod vacation, we did something new and went to a place we hadn't been before in our nineteen years of going to the Cape. I got the idea from this article about good locations for family photos that I edited and published for Cape Cod Moms earlier in July. Then one of my friends who rented the house the week before we were there did this very thing and posted pictures on Facebook that were so cute. That was my sign that it was time to do this for myself! And what is the "this," you might ask? We went to Nauset Light, the pretty red and white lighthouse in Eastham that overlooks the National Seashore and the wide-open, majestic Atlantic Ocean. It's the lighthouse that's featured on every bag of Cape Cod Potato Chips.

I brought a bag of Cape Cod chips for a fun photo prop, even though you can't see it that well.
A kind woman who was there offered to take pictures so that we could all be in them. This is such a nice thing for bystanders to offer to do!
the history of the lighthouse and other information about it in case you're interested.
Just me and a bag of chips. And a lighthouse. 😄
You can stay in that house next to it! That would be fun.
I love it when the sea is what makes up the whole horizon.
So picturesque 😍
Nearby, there were some great views of the very high dunes and out over the sea.
My mom and John had walked back to the car (it was hot and sunny out), but Sam stuck around and obliged me with a few pictures.
The sea is my friend, as well as a great, deep, slightly terrifying mystery that's teeming with life, history, and ancient secrets.
I traced the latitude lines on my globe and determined that Portugal is directly on the other side of the ocean from here. Pretty cool!
Oooh, a magic cottage!
It was fun to do something new, and it was a lovely spot that was worth the trip!
Tags: #NausetLight #NationalSeashore #Eastham #CapeCodPotatoChips