Monday, September 23, 2024

A Walk Around Walden Pond

 Sam and my dad and I spent a lovely late summer afternoon in Concord, Massachusetts in August. We hiked around all of Walden Pond (which I'd never done before) and we went to the Concord Museum. We got physical and intellectual exercise in a very special and beautiful place in American history and still today!

The trail around Walden Pond is beautiful, as are the pond itself and the surrounding woods. I can see why Thoreau liked it and chose to live pond-side for a couple of years.

The water is so clean and clear!

This is the exact site where Thoreau's cabin was.

Look at how small the space is!

{Sam in the background}

Do you see the cairn?

The water looks green at this end of the lake. It's so beautiful! I love it here.

Yeah I know, my sunglasses are crooked!

Sam isn't nearly as cooperative for pictures as John is!

This trail is like something out of a movie 😍

There were several places around the pond with natural stone steps leading down to the water. This is, like, the most perfect pond ever.

Across the street from the pond is a replica of Thoreau's cabin. It really was tiny, but evidently it was sufficient for his needs.

This sculpture or statue (not sure which) of Thoreau is kind of weird!

So of course we took some pictures with it.

I've been an unofficial member of this society for a long time! 😄


The Concord Museum has some really neat artifacts, like this lantern (the actual one!) used the night of April 18, 1775, from the Old North Church in Boston. One if by land, two if by sea—this is one of the two that was used that night since the British were coming in by sea.

Sam the Minuteman 😁
We have ancestors who fought in the Revolution, so in some ways, this isn't too far off.

I like a good latticed window.

Thoreau's actual desk! I really like its green color. I can't believe how well it's held up. (Both the color and the desk!)

This wallpaper background is perfect for book-loving me! It's a replica of Ralph Waldo Emerson's books and bookcases.

I kept my shopping simple and only got these two things from the gift shops—a card with my favorite kind of owl on it (the great horned owl) and a bookmark with Walden Pond and Thoreau things on it. (My bookmark collection is one of my favorite and longest-standing collections!) And I bought two delicious chocolate bars, one for Sam and one for me.

It was a delightful afternoon in a beautiful place. I hope to return to Walden Pond again this fall for a walk around it with the fall foliage blazing!

Tags: #WaldenPond #ConcordMuseum #Thoreau