Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wisdom, Humor, and Inspiration in July 2024

 July was a big month news-wise, and there was A LOT of humor and satire to help deal with the craziness. One of my favorite philosophies is when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and it applies to so many things, including the strange and unusual (and sometimes downright evil and tragic) happenings in the world in which we live.
These pictures are mostly in the order I took them, so enjoy my stream-of-consciousness from July!


4th of July eve 😍 I'll take him over Santa!


The good old days 💖

I can relate to that 😄

He wishes!

We now interrupt this viewing of humorous material for something from the "wise" info category instead...

I'm a believer in taking care of your vagus nerve. Breathe deeply and do it often!


--Back to the funny business--

--A quick and meaningful dose of inspiration--

President Nelson is so inspiring to me personally. I'm reading a book about him now that increases my admiration even more for this wonderful, accomplished man and prophet of the Lord. His counsel has helped me so much during the last six years of my life. He has helped me to understand better how to deepen my relationship with Jesus Christ and be a better disciple of Him, how to live a truly good life, and how to love the temple and draw its power and the power of covenants into my life much more effectively.

My life is proof of this...

This is one of my favorite stories in the Book of Mormon. I taught a Sunday School class about it in July. I continue to work on burying my own "weapons of war," which include resentment and anger at those who have wronged me in ways big and small (but especially big). It's a work in progress and I have a ways to go, but it's a worthwhile journey that brings me increased peace and happiness and helps me in my quest to become more and more like Jesus Christ.

Post-assassination attempt humor...once it was clear that Trump would be fine, the jokes didn't take long to get going.

Biden finally drops out! (Which Biden though? 😝)

✔ One of the many benefits of planning!


(A completely asinine excuse.)

This was disgusting. Shame on France for doing this whole sick, twisted, and offensive tableau.