Thursday, August 8, 2024

Soon-to-be Superhero Missionaries!

 As I try to deal calmly and rationally with the fact that John starts his mission next week (!!) and will be gone in less than two weeks for two whole years (!!!), I will work on processing my emotions (which range from excitement and motherly pride to anxiety and sadness) by putting together this fun little post of some pre-mission pictures that were taken a few weeks ago. Since then, two of John's best friends here (Conner and Ben) have started their missions and are currently in the MTC (Missionary Training Center). John will be there soon, too. I'm so proud of these guys, especially John. It's hard to see them go and literally not see them anymore. They are great young men and I know they'll be great missionaries for Jesus Christ and His gospel and church.

From left to right, Josh is going to Brazil; Ben is going to Tucson, Arizona (Spanish-speaking); Conner is going to Japan; and John is going to Denver, Colorado.

They're going to be superhero missionaries!

Here they were that day with some non-member friends who came to church for Ben's farewell talk. They've been good member missionaries (and genuine friends) for years now.

Casting my worries aside, I really am excited for John and for the great and meaningful adventures that lie ahead for him! (😭)