Friday, August 23, 2024

Cape Randoms + Some Family Pictures from the Cape

I love this house! It's one of my happiest places.

On Sunday after church, I took some pictures of John in the backyard for his mission plaque that will be on display at the church while he's on his mission. These were our favorites. Or mine, anyway.

This is the one we used. Hopefully not too many people notice his loose tie!

We tried to go to the flats twice at low tide, but both times we were thwarted by a mysterious high tide that didn't match up with the information we had. So here are the dunes instead. 😄

I like a good cloudy sky!

We came across the longest piece of driftwood I've ever seen!

Sam didn't join us on our second quest for low tide, but it was okay because as you can see behind us, there was no low tide and no nice wide expanse of flats to behold and enjoy. So we snapped some selfies instead!

We walked down to "our beach" one evening, and it was very high tide there, too. We took a few customary pictures, which we've done for years there. I can't believe we won't be doing this next year with the three of us since John will be away on his mission! I'm hoping to do it again in August 2026 when he gets back.

Checking to see if Sam was smiling...he was, against his will! It was a miracle!


The Cape Cod Lavender Farm gift shop always has nice fragrant offerings, although they didn't have their lavender chocolate bars this time that I like so much. They did have their lavender chocolate-covered pretzels, however, so it was all good. Literally. 😉

I love the old-fashioned classic seaside theme of the newly remodeled Cuffy's.

Sam and my mom did some arm-wrestling. Sam won most of the matches, but my mom gave him a run for his money. She has strong arms (much stronger than mine, but maybe not quite as strong as Sam's now!).

There will be one more Cape Cod post in a couple of weeks. Our last day there was August 1st, and I upload my pictures by month, so those ones are still hanging out on my phone and not my computer. So now we all have something exciting to look forward to. 😜