Thursday, August 22, 2024

My 44th Birthday

 I've been 44 now for about three weeks. I'm now in my mid-40s. I don't want to talk about it. (Except to say that I still feel like I'm in my early 30s, and sometimes I still get mistaken for being in my 20s! Okay, enough of my insecurities, I'll move on. 😅) 

I'm happy to report that even though I wasn't excited about the number, I had a good birthday!

As we do pretty much every year for my birthday, we had breakfast at Pancake Man. I love their fresh-squeezed orange juice and creamy, delicious hot chocolate with whipped cream.

We went to Seagull Beach, one of my favorite beaches and only about ten minutes away. The boys and I walked to the end of the rock jetty, as we do each year. Creatures of habit, we are!

John got his ocean time in, but I'm not sure that it will be enough for the next two years while he's landlocked in Colorado! (It will be. 😉) 

Walking back down the beach with Sam

Sam chillin' 😎

John and I took a walk down to the other end of the beach that we hadn't walked down before.

I asked John to do a handstand for old times' sake. He's still got it!

There was a pretty house overlooking the beach that I really liked. It had a lighthouse wing at one end!

It's not too big and not too small. It's just right! Along with a lighthouse and location that can't be beat!

And it has a wrap-around porch, one of my favorite features of a house. Perfection!

Can you find the seagull in mid-flight? 👀

Hi 44! I'll be good to you if you be good to me. 😄

John found a hermit crab, which reminded me so much of when he was younger and collected hermit crabs in buckets of water at the beach. It was one of his favorite things to do on the Cape. It was sweet to have these memories and reminders before he left on his mission.

It was very wavy in the water that day, which was fun (I always say that the ocean has the best wave pools!), but one of the waves was particularly strong and knocked me down and I got scraped up on the back of my thigh. It was a not-very-nice birthday gift from the sea! 😭

I then spent a relaxing afternoon reading and napping. Murder and naps, what a combination!

We went out to dinner at Yarmouth House, one of my favorite restaurants, where I got my favorite dish, Chicken Atlantis. For years my favorite dish of theirs was the lazy man's lobster, but then I discovered this one. So delicious. 😋

After dinner we went home and did cake and presents. It was a classic Cape birthday from beginning to end. Perfect because I like classic and tradition. 

My mom did an amazing writing job on the cake. 😆

The boys look good but my eyes are closed.

Now Sam's eyes are closed.

This one will do.

It was a good birthday spent with the people who are most special to me. Bring it, 44!