Monday, August 19, 2024

Mini-Golf "Tempers" and Boardwalk Sunset

 A few weeks ago, we went to Cape Cod for several days during my birthday week, as we do each year. On our first day there, we went to the mini-golf place down the street and played a round. 

We all got at least one hole-in-one except for Sam. Sorry, Sam!

When John was younger, he used to get really mad when things didn't go his way in the game (which was a lot--it's mini golf, after all 😄). So we took some funny throwback pictures to that "explosive" time in his life. 😡😆

The boys used to fight during our mini-golf games sometimes, too. I'm happy to report that they finally grew out of that, and the games are much more peaceful and fun than they used to be. It only took about 15 years, no big deal. 😆

Sam looks like a model here!

Speaking of models, here's me and a rather dashing lobsterman 🦞😂 

It was a fun way to spend some time that afternoon!

We went out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Brazilian Grill. If all goes according to plan, John won't eat there again for two years, so he especially relished the feast.

My and John's favorite dessert there is their strawberries and cream. We get it every time, even when we're pretty stuffed from dinner!

After dinner, we went to the boardwalk at Gray's Beach, which is a popular spot on the Cape for its views, especially its sunset views. It was crowded—I sometimes forget about summer crowds at places like these that aren't crowded the rest of the year.

It's neat how the water and the skyline blend into each other.

We found our plank! I bought it several years ago when the boardwalk was rebuilt and the town was selling personalized planks for a good price. I'm lucky I got one—they went pretty fast and there haven't been any left for years.

Mi familia 💙💜💙

The sky was so pretty and golden that evening.

Such pretty scenery all around 😍

It was quite literally a lovely first day of vacation!