Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hydrangeas and Patriotism on Cape Cod!

 My mom and I spent a very pleasant few days on the Cape for the Fourth of July. It was just what I needed in the midst of a sad loss in my life.

Last summer was a bust for hydrangeas in Massachusetts, but this summer was a whole different story that made up for last year's lack. Here are mine in the backyard.

We went to downtown Hyannis and watched the boat parade in the harbor, which we'd never done before. Our view wasn't the best because of a big boat that was docked near where we were sitting, but it was still fun.

These beautiful puffy pink and purple hydrangeas were down by the water on a bed of crushed white shells.

I took a few pictures of my two of my favorite boats in the parade.
There was a Trump boat! You don't know how thrilling and hilarious this is when you're a Republican in Massachusetts! 😄

This Founding Fathers-themed boat was my favorite, though. Back to our very special roots!

After the parade and an early and delicious fresh seafood dinner, we spent some time in downtown Hyannis. There were hydrangeas around storefronts and even on horseshoe crabs.

There were some entertaining performers outside of the JFK Museum. This lady was pretty cool with her fire-throwing and acrobatics.

We stopped for ice cream at Katie's, where I got my favorite flavor of lavender honeycomb. 😋

The next day was a rainy one and we did some shopping (along with what felt like over half of the rest of the Cape 😆).

It was my first time going to the remodeled Cuffy's in Dennis. I liked the old-fashioned seaside theming. They did a great job with the remodel! I bought some delicious fudge in their candy shop.

This is made from jelly beans

This is made from real sand

I'm going to get a new sliding glass door and screen door, so I took pictures and measurements, went to Home Depot to pick out a door, and hired a contractor.

It looks fine but it's old and hasn't been working well for the past couple of years. The screen door came off, too.

More pictures of my backyard hydrangeas

There's a pretty little bush out by the mailbox, too.

Nearby, there are two big new houses that are quickly going up where two smaller ones used to be. They had just been demolished the last time I was here a few weeks earlier. Things happen quickly!

It was cool that there was a flag up on the roof when it's still being built.

Driftwood on the beach

I walked down to the beach and on my walk there and back, there were so many pretty scenes of flags and hydrangeas in full bloom. I was in heaven! I love where my house is on the Cape!

I can't decide between these two so I'll include them both!

Do you see the second flag in this picturesque scene?

!! The abundance of pink hydrangeas was a pleasure to behold 💗😍💗

Pretty pastels

These ones were so vibrant!

As much as I like the pink and purple ones, I think this shade of classic blue hydrangea is my favorite.

Not hydrangeas, but daises are pretty too!

And these, too (whatever they are!)

I spent my last few hours at the house finishing this wonderful book, Buffalo Flats by Martine Leavitt. I really enjoyed it, and I highly recommend it.

On the drive home, I stopped at The Seafood Shanty on the Canal and treated myself to a lobster roll for dinner. It was pricey but delicious!

My view while I waited for the lobster roll. That's the Sagamore Bridge, which I had just crossed a few minutes earlier.

It was a great little getaway, and it was just what the doctor ordered for my grieving heart. It helped me to be distracted in a healthy way, and I've long believed that the sea, sand, and fresh salty air have healing properties. When I got home, I felt like Violet had gone on a trip to a wonderful place too—she's just going to be there for longer, and then I'll join her there. It's been a comforting and healing perspective that rings true to me.

I love this country, I'm thankful to be an American, I love my religion and am thankful for my testimony of it, and I love hydrangeas and good books and lobster rolls and all that is of lovely and good report in this life. 😊

Tags: #hydrangeas #patriotism #capecod