Friday, August 9, 2024

Fireworks with Friends!

 I hadn't been to a good fireworks show in a few years, and I missed it. We used to go on the Fourth of July to the beautiful fireworks over the water at the beach down the street from the Cape house, but that stopped happening during Covid and then there was an issue with disturbing nesting birds, so it hasn't happened in a few years. It looked like this was going to be another fireworks-less summer, but then my friend Jen texted about wanting to get together, and she, Kerry, and I ended up going to the fireworks in Kerry's town a few weeks after the Fourth. I was happy to spend time with them again (we've been friends since 8th grade, and we get together a few times a year), and to see fireworks!

The evening sky had a pretty show of its own before darkness set in. 😍

The fireworks were beautiful and didn't disappoint.

I wish I'd gotten a picture with me, Jen, and Kerry, but alas, I didn't. Since there are fireworks pictures in this post but no pictures with friends (yet), which belies the title of this post, I'll post a few pictures from July with different groups of friends. 

We went out for a birthday dinner to celebrate three of our July birthdays. 

Sara, me, and Meredith at a fun surprise party for Sharalyn's 50th birthday.

Lots of friends at church in Relief Society

I'm thankful for fireworks but much more thankful for friends! July was a harder month with Violet's passing and the boys being away a lot, and my friends (and family) made a real difference. 💖