Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Eating Out (Literally, Out)

 I finally went to Sesuit Harbor Cafe! It's one of the most popular places to eat on the Cape, and I'd never been, though I'd heard about it for years. We went for an early lunch before long lines formed. You order your food at the counter and then it's brought to you to a table of your choosing outside. There are great views of the harbor, and the food is just as great, too. My lobster roll was delicious! I'll definitely come here again.


Picturesque views from the outdoor dining area. All of the seating is outside (the tables have umbrellas in case of rain).

After we were done eating, I explored the area a bit more.

Look at that nice bench at the end for watching the boats go in and out. Perfection!

The next evening, we ate out outside again at Lobster Boat, where we go each summer. If you're lucky, you can get a table on their outdoor deck over the water, which we did.

"Please keep children away from netting." A worthwhile warning. Young John would have wanted to climb that netting, but older John merely smiles. 😄

(This makes me a little emotional because John just left for his mission today and if all goes according to plan, I won't see him again in person for two years. 😭)

He ate lots of good, fresh seafood this summer. I don't think there will be too much of that in Colorado, and even if there is, he won't be able to afford it very often!

After dinner, we had one more alfresco treat, this one at Cape Cod Creamery. I don't have pictures, so you'll just have to trust me on that. 😉

Eating good food outside in nice weather is one of the simple pleasures that I enjoy most in life!