Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Crazy Times Scrapbook, July 2024

 Well, July didn't disappoint in the craziness category. Trump almost got assassinated (which I already wrote about, so I won't add too much in this post about it except for the pictures I have along with a bit of commentary), and then Joe Biden exited the race (as I predicted), and Kamala Harris got in (I thought it might be Michelle Obama—the Dems would have been very fortunate to get her—I'm glad they didn't!).

The Economy

One of my predictions that hasn't happened (yet) is widespread economic disaster. This may be one of the reasons why it's still holding off...for now.

The U.S. is in massive debt. It's a huge problem (literally) with major ramifications to come.

I'm a big believer in limited government. The more government gets involved, the more things get messed up. This article was so full of truths, and it made me sad because it showed how much the U.S. is on a slippery slope to destruction.

"The state is essentially expanding its authority over the free market to turn it into a command economy. The long-term implications are that all aspects of the economy and popular livelihood will come under state control. Economic means will be used to consolidate political power, enslaving society and its citizens." I believe that this is what the powers that be are trying to do to America. 

Post-Debate Fallout

These two pictures from the debate sum it up well.


Good question. What were they thinking?

"Bidenomics" wrecked the economy. The not-too-fond-of-Trump Wall Street Journal said so (and a lot of other places, too).

Peggy Noonan isn't fond of Trump either, or Biden. 
"...his true condition, the depth of his decline, had been kept, quite deliberately and systematically, from the American people." I know I sound like an annoying broken record, but I've been saying that since 2019.


This was the right decision made by the Supreme Court.

"The Supreme Court this year showed more faith in democratic self-government than its elite critics will admit."

More dangers of a big government...

Trump Assassination Attempt

I was glued to the TV coverage that evening. I couldn't believe how narrowly he escaped death, that he got up and did a fist pump, and how the Secret Service could have ever let this happen, especially when they had advance warning. Over a month later, there are so many unanswered questions.

I also can't believe how tough this man is.
I mean no disrespect to the woman serving here, but having an agent trying to protect the President who is shorter than him doesn't make any sense. This is a likely DEI fail.

"Secret Service reportedly ignored warning." Why is that?

So of course the rallies must be stopped, somehow, some way. 

Republican National Convention

I enjoyed having the convention on in the evenings. Many of the speakers were excellent. Trump was there each night, including the first night when it was only two days after he'd been nicked by the bullet that could so easily have killed him.

Biden Exits, and the Kamala Hype Begins

Her support has certainly grown in August, though. I can't wait to see what September (the first debate between her and Trump!) and October bring. I know a lot of people hate it, but I really do enjoy election season, and all (or at least most) of the craziness that goes along with it!