Monday, August 5, 2024

A Few Last Pictures with Violet

 Violet's been gone for a month now, and I miss her sweet presence every day. I've already written about her passing so I won't do that again. I just wanted to share a couple of last pictures I took on her last day of life. I took more than this, but they feel too personal to share on the blog.

She still had a few hours left.

After her body had been taken away by the vet, I could see the impression of her pawprints still there on the couch, where she had laid for a while that morning. It was one of her favorite napping spots. It was both sad and comforting to see that. She was gone, and her sudden loss was so painful, but part of her remained. It was like heavenly pawprints reminding me of where she is now. 

My niece Hayley sent me some pictures she had of Violet. She used to take care of her, Boo Boo, and Bentwood when we were away. I really appreciated seeing these pictures. It brought my younger and healthier girl back to me in the immediate aftermath of her loss.

Here was Boo Boo being his playful, funny self. I hope the two of them are together again. I think they are.

Going to the Cape for a few days was a good antidote for my grief. While I was there, I got a pedicure and had my nails painted violet in her honor. It was a way of carrying her around with me every step that I took. It's still on my toenails as I type this!

The following week, I received her paw print impressions, which I'll always treasure. 

I gave her unused food and treats to my sister for her dog. Violet loved her treats!

Even though I'm missing my girl, as I wrote before, the grief was a little easier and faster to cope with this time. I still feel sad that she's gone, but I'm at peace and she's at peace in a wonderful place, and I know we'll be together again.