Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wisdom, Humor, and Inspiration in June


I knew it!

Speaking of which...

I read a good article about divorce and how you talk about your ex-spouse with your kids. Parts of it were hard to read and I wanted to disagree with it, but the more I've thought about it, the more I believe it's true, and I'm working on getting better at how I talk about "him" with the boys. One of my big takeaways from the article is that he is a part of them, so insulting him is insulting a part of them. And vice versa, on his part for me.

He doesn't come up in our conversations very often, but when he does, I tend to be more negative and critical. Even though I'm detached from him now in just about every way, I still hold resentment for the terrible things he did that impacted me and the kids so much. I'm really trying hard to get better at this—for their sake (see above), for my own peace, and because it's the Christlike thing to do. 

This was a fascinating article about natural healing and health, of which I am a big proponent. Our bodies and immune systems are God-designed and God-given, and by being a good steward of them, we can avoid many health problems.

Another interesting article, this one about the benefits of bragging! Or, the humble brag, done right.

Being organized and scheduled is one of my keys to success in life.

Well, shoot.

I'm not going to get Alzheimer's, though, because I take good care of my physical and mental terrain. 😉

This also goes along with my holistic approach to health and disease. This has worked well for someone I love.

I texted this to Sam. 😆

I like history. But I always forget about how exactly things happened with Napoleon. So when I saw this, I snapped a picture.



(Do the Palestinian activists realize that Hamas hates and kills gay people?)

Fortunately, they turned out to be fair and good moderators!


I feel you, Lindsey. Integrity is everything, and it will shield you from a lot. I'm sparkling again, too (and have been for awhile—I've never doubted my worth!).

Yes, please!