Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Sam's 8th Grade Graduation

 My baby is officially done with middle school and is on to high school! 😭 The last day of school was a few weeks ago, and there was a ceremony on the football field for the 8th graders. I thought it was well done and to the point, which was especially appreciated because it was hot and sunny out. 🌞 I'm a little sad that Sam is done with middle school and moving on to high school, but he's not and is excited for high school. I liked him being a student at the middle school because that's the building where I went to school from 8th to 12th grades. This is one of the cool things about living in my hometown again.
Anyway, on to the ceremony!

The principal is a nice guy. Sam even liked him!

Fun fact: the woman in the green chair wearing the green and white flowered shirt is one of my high school friends! We saw each other at the orthodontist's office a few weeks ago, and it was so nice to catch up. Sam and her daughter are in the same class. This is another thing I like about living in my hometown.

Each of the homeroom teachers spoke a little about their class and introduced each student. They stood up as their names were read. I thought this was a great way to acknowledge each student without it taking forever. There's Sam in the center of the picture, standing up.

If he had been with me the night before, I would have had him wear a slightly nicer outfit!

Then later at home, we did the traditional picture with the "last day of school" sign.

For dinner, he'd requested pulled pork sandwiches because pulled pork is one of his favorite foods. My mom came over, and the four of us had a nice pulled pork and coleslaw dinner, followed by ice cream at Uhlman's, and then I dropped him off at his friend's house for a sleepover.

It was a fun last day of school and middle school for my little man Sam! I still call him that sometimes, along with "baby," even though he's a giant soon-to-be high school freshman. He'll always be my little man and my baby in a nostalgic motherly way. 💙 I'm excited for his future, which is bright and full of potential!