Friday, July 19, 2024

June 2024 Randoms

 My college friend Bradley wrote a follow-up article for The Wall Street Journal about his journey taking and quitting a weight loss drug. It's neat when things like this happen to people I know! 

I might do this for John's birthday(s) when he's on his mission.

My kind of summer ๐Ÿ˜Š

Allow me to indulge my inner child for the next two things...

Aurora is the Disney princess I relate to the most. She went for long walks in the woods and communed with nature and cute animals (including owls!), she lived in an enchanting little cottage in the woods, she was secretly a princess, she found her prince, and they'd known each other before (premortal existence!). I'm not with my true Prince Charming yet and I don't have a cottage in the woods (although I do have one near the ocean), but the rest is mostly true! Oh, and we're both beauties of course. ๐Ÿ˜œ

I was working at the library in Children's and thought this scratch 'n sniff bookmark was cute. There were a bunch of them, so I took one home for my bookmark collection, all of which I rotate and use. It's one of my favorite collections, started decades back.

Sam and I are excited about the new Hunger Games book coming out next spring. We're both fans of Haymitch, who I believe is going to be the main character in this book.

This was John and his friend Ben at stake conference. They were leaning forward resting/dozing, and I snapped a picture because they looked headless. I thought it was funny!

This is what happens when the pageviews for my blog suddenly shoot up. From relative obscurity to less relative obscurity! Ha ha. Lately, my pageviews have consistently been much higher than they've ever been. 

The Boston Temple has become one of my favorite places. It feels like a second home to me now. I'm there at least three times a month, usually twice as an ordinance worker and once as a patron.

There was a day in June when I was randomly preoccupied in a crush-y sort of way with Macron of France and the new prime minister of England, Rishi Sunak. I can't believe they're so close to me in age. They're handsome, smart, successful, and young(ish). And I can say all that even though I don't like Macron's politics. The rest makes up for it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I am fascinated that his wife is 25 years older than him. What the...?
She's attractive and everything, but that's crazy.

I didn't realize that Rishi Sunak was so handsome until I googled him. He's less than three months older than me! And he's a conservative! (And he's married to a really rich Indian woman.)

And now the new Republican V.P. candidate is four years younger than me. Maybe this is a 40s thing, I don't know. It's weird!

This won the award for the worst Father's Day ("Farther's Day") promotional email I've ever gotten. ๐Ÿ˜†

A funny/not funny worst-case scenario in front of me while out driving. (We were stopped at a light.)

I got Violet this cooling pad to help her be more comfortable. It worked really well, but she refused to lay on it, so it was kind of a waste. But I tried and it was worth it for my girl's potential comfort. I had no idea when I bought it that she only had a few weeks left. ๐Ÿ’œ I miss her.

I didn't realize I'd written this in my planner until I saw it later. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

I guess I must have been really preoccupied...with murder, I guess?? What I meant to write was "temple." You really can't get much different than those two things!

I went to visit a friend and thought this little dinosaur-and-gnomes statue in her yard was cute.

I felt the need to take a picture of dinner one evening because I was proud of my stir-fried broccolini and mushrooms--so nutritious, and the broccolini was from my CSA box! ๐Ÿ˜‹

I'm finished blogging about June and am taking a two-week break from the blog! I'll be back in early August. Don't miss me too much. ๐Ÿ˜œ