Thursday, June 27, 2024

May 2024 Randoms

This is Newbury Street in Boston, where my hair salon is. As you can see, it's in a very posh area, surrounded by the likes of Chanel and Rolex. It's where I get my posh hair!

Fake hair, don't care! (Even though it's 100% real hair—and has the price tag to prove it. 😱) It's so much better than my real hair! I like how it fits and blends in with my hair. I save so much time (and maybe money in the long run??). I love it!
Me with my freshly done head of hair waiting for my Uber ride to take me home because I'm too afraid to drive into Boston and find parking.

Also me

Shout out to me on Instagram Stories (Me, me, me!)

We went up to Pickity Place again this year to celebrate Hayley's birthday. Unfortunately, it was a rainy day, and I still wasn't feeling great because of my post-cruise cold from hell, so I didn't have a big appetite. But what I did eat (and drink) was good!

This salad was so nourishing. After the week I'd had, I needed all the nourishment I could get.

Pretty lilacs and pretty Hayley

A rustic door with a bright forsythia wreath, leading into the gift shop (where I didn't buy anything! After dropping a lot of dough on the cruise, my hair, and Violet's surgery, I hold back almost everywhere else.)

Sam had some fun adventures in May besides the cruise. He ran his first RAGNAR relay race with a group of friends, mostly from church. He didn't train very much for it, and I was worried that it would be a bad experience for him, but he did well and he really enjoyed it. 🙌

I can't believe they ran this whole distance, from Connecticut, through Rhode Island, and up into Massachusetts! It was about 200 miles, and it took about two days and a night!

The following week, they had a reunion of sorts and he went to a birthday party for one of the boys from the group.

They did go-karts!

I went to a great presentation at Sam's school with an internet safety expert. Pretty much everything she said validated my own long-held thoughts and feelings about kids, teens, social media, and phone use.

Meg, my boss at Wicked Good Mom Media, asked me to be the managing editor not only for Cape Cod Moms, which I've been doing since January, but also now for Rhode Island Moms, which I happily agreed to do. A few days later, a surprise package arrived in the mail. It was from her and was full of some great swag! It really made my day! I'm truly so thankful for my work opportunities.

This tote bag is so nice!


I love notepads!

I love all office supplies. 😍

The gummy bears were delicious! 😋