Friday, June 14, 2024

Macaws and Monkeys and Iguanas, Oh My!

 Sandwiched between the two stops in Mexico was a wonderful day on the island of Roatan, Honduras. I'd never been that far south before! It was a beautiful place and we had a really fun time there.

This was the morning view from our stateroom balcony. It was overcast, but it soon burned off.

Our excursion was to Gumbalimba Park. We took a shuttle bus, and I enjoyed the drive up and down the winding roads and hills of the island to get there. I really enjoy seeing how other places are set up and how the people live there.

We had a great guide named Juan (who I practiced my Spanish with!), who took us around to all the different areas of the park.

I liked this pretty butterfly exhibit.

Look at the beautiful iridescence on that stunning shade of teal blue! ๐Ÿ˜

Owl butterflies! How cool is that!? ๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ˜

We took advantage of a fun little photo opp...

Accurate! (Except for the misspelling of "archaeology"! Can't help it, I'm an editor! ๐Ÿ˜„)
For an alternate career, I would definitely be an archaeologist.

The park's scenery was lovely and peaceful. It was warm out, but there was a lot of shade from the trees, so it wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as Tulum had been the day before.

We saw lots of iguanas!

Juan took some nice pictures of us before we crossed this fun rope bridge.

There was an area after the bridge with beautiful macaws. I was thrilled to find out that we not only got to see them but we also go to have them sit on our shoulders! I like birds, so I loved that! Along with swimming in the cenotes, it was one of my favorite things we did on this cruise.

Not sure which picture of me with the macaws in the background I like best, so I'll be a self-indulgent bad editor and include them both!

Kissy kissy!

Here was our super-fun photo opp! A nice woman in our group took the pictures for us. I had a green macaw sit on my shoulder, which was cool because green is my favorite color! He (or she?) and I bonded in our minute together.

Look at how the one on my mom's shoulder was biting her sunglasses! ๐Ÿ˜†


Next up on our shoulders were these cute little white-face monkeys! The boys really enjoyed this.

One of my nicknames for John when he was younger was "my little monkey" because he liked to climb so much. So this was a bit of a full-circle moment!

It was totally just hanging out on him!

Sam enjoyed his monkey encounter, too.

It was funny when my mom did it because the monkey discovered her lanyard and wanted to play with it! 


John liked the iguanas.

There were four of them here!

If I had served a mission (which I wish now that I had), I've always had a feeling that I might have gone to Honduras.

We went for a quick swim in the pool to cool off before getting back on the shuttle bus to return to the ship. We pretty much had the pool to ourselves!

There was an iguana between our lounge chairs.

John really did like these little guys. This was the closest he got before it scurried away. It's better to let them have their space, but he really wanted to commune with it, I guess!

Our WONDERful ship awaited! (Get it? ๐Ÿ˜‰)

Views of this beautiful island from the top of the ship:

There was another Royal Caribbean ship in port that day. See it behind us?

The dress code for dinner that night was Caribbean! I had bought us shirts on amazon just for that.

Caribbean Night was so much fun! There was a conga line at dinner, and we were encouraged to dance alongside our tables. I did the Macarena for the first time in years. It was so much fun!

This was one of my favorite days of the cruise!

Tags: #royalcaribbean #westerncaribbeancruise #wonderoftheseas #westerncaribbeancruise #roatan #gumbalimba