Tuesday, June 4, 2024

April 2024 Randoms


I do! My family had them and I played with them a lot.

Hi again

I love working for this company. (I enjoy my MWEG work too, along with working a few times a month at my town library.)


Speaking of the sun, there was a beautiful sunrise one morning before I left for my temple shift. 😍

Funny texts with the boys. This one is with Sam.

And this one is with John. I like my attitude! 

This app sounds cool!

I LOVE a good mushroom pizza! 😋 

These are decorative items on the TV cabinet shelves. Winter decorations had been on them for months, and before that, Christmas, and before that, Halloween and fall, so it had been a while. I took a picture to remind myself of how it's all arranged for next time.

This British telephone booth has been on display in a yard on a nearby street for years. It's a little bit of England in my environment, and I like it!

This is from a webinar I watched. Gosnold is the discoverer of the Cape! Or one of them, anyway.

More toys and things I had as a child, more nostalgia...

Tulips at the temple

Violet resting on pillows. She continued to recover well from her surgery at the end of March.

I hadn't seen this Trump sticker before. I liked it, so I snapped a picture of it.