Friday, June 21, 2024

Purfection (wink) at Purgatory Chasm

 Massachusetts has been enjoying a lot of really beautiful weather in May and June (we'll leave this week's heat wave out of it!). On the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, we went for a hike at one of our favorite nature places, Purgatory Chasm. The weather was perfect for it: smack-dab in the 70s with low humidity and beautiful sunshine. Perfect for a nice walk in the woods and a hike up and down giant rocks on the way there and back. My mom and my sister Elizabeth and her two sons met us there, which made it even more fun.

It looks pretty easy at the beginning, but it quickly turns into a very unique (and sometimes challenging!) path.

Scaling what looks like Pride Rock from The Lion King.

Cousins and bros

It's neat to think about how this area was formed many thousands of years ago. I hope someday we can see what the earth looked like through all of its ages and stages.

Once we got through the chasm, we went for a trail walk in the woods. It was so picturesque, with babbling brooks and small waterfalls, and of course green trees and plants everywhere with the sun shining down through the leaves. Paradise found! The woods have always been my favorite nature setting, more than the ocean and more than the mountains. 

Sam the giant 😆

When the boys and I were here with my parents on Memorial Day two years ago, we took a picture with this uprooted tree. Time to do it again!

On the way back, instead of going through the chasm, we climbed up to the top of it and walked along that way.

I think this is literally called "Fat Man's Misery." 😂

None of these young men are fat so they weren't miserable. Ha ha

I mean, that background. 😍

Da boyz again. They're a handsome bunch!

With their grandma (wearing her Wonder of the Seas t-shirt from the cruise!)

After we were done with our hike/walk, we drove a few minutes away and treated ourselves to  delicious ice cream from West End Creamery. It was a perfect 10 day and a perfect 10 outing. Purgatory + West End is becoming one of my favorite things to do in my beloved home state. I'm so thankful for great places like these and for special times at them with my family. 💖