Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Around the House in February

This "Chocolate Croissant" candle from Trader Joe's smelled so good! It was one of Sharalyn's gifts from the Favorite Things Party.

Sunday selfie (with the winter owls behind me on the piano!)

I caved and bought four boxes of Girl Scout cookies. They're not good for my health, but they're only sold once a year and they're part of my heritage ๐Ÿ˜ (I used to sell them as a kid). Tagalongs have definitely replaced Samoas as my favorite. 

Sam dozed off during one of our movie nights under my favorite blanket (it's so soft and cozy!). I love this boy with all my heart!

I took care of Romeo again for a few days.

He's got a bit of a weight problem, but he wears it well. ๐Ÿ˜†

I hosted a game night that my mom, my sister Jennifer, my brother Nate, and his fiancee Kat came to. This was a very special and exciting evening for me because I FINALLY BEAT NATE AT CLUE MASTER DETECTIVE! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ™Œ He almost always wins that game, and I've been trying to win it for years. It finally happened! I reveled in my victory, and I even shared it on social media. ๐Ÿ˜‚

In the immediate aftermath of his defeat ๐Ÿ˜†

In the immediate aftermath of my victory ๐Ÿ˜

Then we played another murder mystery game and I won a round of that one, too. I was on a roll that evening!

Violet is such a good companion, especially when I'm home alone, which is more often than I'd like. Unfortunately, her cancerous tumor started growing back in February. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ She's having surgery to remove it tomorrow while it's still relatively small, and I hope and pray that it goes well. I don't want to lose my little lady yet (or ever, but I'm really not ready for that to happen yet). She turns 14 next week and I'd like to have at least one more year with her.

One of my organizing/clean-out projects in February was to go through all of my old CDs. Yep, CDs, you remember those, right? ๐Ÿ˜„ I still use them sometimes, but I had way too many that I hadn't used in many years. I took a picture of this collection of CD classical songs that I've had since college. It's always been one of my favorites. (I kept all of the CDs, just not this case.)

It was a good month around the house in February. I like my new home and am happy here!