Thursday, February 1, 2024

Things I'm Looking Forward to in February

 Whew! Made it through January and it wasn't even that bad! I'm happy to report that 2024 is off to a pretty good start. Now it's on to February, a short, sweet month that to me has always signified hearts and the last full month of winter. These are things I'm looking forward to in February!

The new season of Ghosts

The new (and final, I think) season of The Conners

Meeting some of my co-workers from Cape Cod Moms at a meet-up on (you guessed it) the Cape. I'm looking forward to this! I really like this job (which I just started a month ago) and the women I work with. By the way, if you click on that link and go to "About Us" and "Meet Our Team," you'll see my picture and bio in the top row. I'm famous! πŸ˜„ And the articles on the main page of the site—those are what I edit, perfect, and publish. 

Valentine's Day πŸ’˜
Not really. It's the first one since I was 19 in which I'm single for V-Day. The last few years I was on my own but not really single—I was still married with a husband, and there was a strange sort of comfort in that (sometimes), even though I very much wanted the divorce to be done and over with. Now it is, and I'm fully and officially single, and it definitely feels different to me. So anyway, I'm my own valentine this year (again), which is fine, because I love me. 😊 I'm going to treat myself.

Winter Break. I don't have Sam πŸ˜” but I'll keep myself busy with work and some fun things, like maybe... 

 Going to the Cape for a couple of days

A game day or night with family (in which I hope to will finally beat my brother Nathan at Clue!!) 

More hibernating, hot cocoa, reading, snow, movies and shows, yoga, webinars, and the temple.

Annie and My Fair Lady I would have loved to go to these shows in Boston and Worcester this month, but I have to pretty much eliminate unnecessary extras like that for awhile because of a big vacation I'm taking the boys on in May. But I've always loved Annie and I haven't seen My Fair Lady on stage yet, but I like the story and the music so I'm pretty sure I'd love that one too. I'm going to watch the movies of each of them instead.

Okay, so February might be a bit of a downer in some ways, but it will be fine! No, it will be great!
(Famous last words. πŸ˜„)