Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Favorite Things Party

 Meredith had a really fun Favorite Things Party the week before Christmas for her favorite friends. πŸ˜‰ We had a delicious potluck-style lunch followed by the "favorite things" part of the party. We each brought nine "copies" of one of our favorite things, all wrapped up, and everyone got one, so we each went home with nine different things that were the favorite things of our friends. (Did that make sense?) 

This was my festive contribution to the lunch. It was easy (which is the name of the game for me when it comes to food), nutritious, and appropriately Christmasy.

Meredith always sets a lovely table. 😍

The following pictures are from our "favorite things" exchange. It was my favorite! (Get it? 😜) 

We all went around and explained why our thing was one of our favorite things before passing them out. My "thing" was the smallest size-wise of the gifts (and it was a pain to wrap them all individually!)--it's literally called My Favorite Night Balm. I've been using it for years and it makes my lips nice and soft and moisturized all night long until morning. 

Sharalyn is one of my best friends ever. 
All of my friends helped me and supported me during the hardest time of my life. Their love and support were evidence of God's love for and mindfulness of me during that time. I'll be forever indebted to and grateful for each and every one of them. Sharalyn was especially special and helped and supported me in some ways that I needed most. She'll always hold a special place in my heart because of that. Plus, we're birthday buddies and Massachusetts girls and we both have a house on Cape Cod and we both have two kids and we both have the same kind of dog and we often unintentionally dress alike and we've both gone through a divorce. (And my mom and her dad also happen to be in a relationship--so at some point, maybe we'll also be stepsisters?)

A picture of my newfound treasures. My friends have good taste, not just in fellow friends πŸ˜‰, but also in favorite things!

Along with the Lindsey Stirling concert, this was one of my favorite things (πŸ˜‰--I'm full of winks for this post!) of the season. I hope we do it again next year--I already have a favorite thing picked out for it!