Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Wisdom, Humor, and Inspiration in October

I loved President Nelson's talk from Conference. I love all of his talks. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again: following his counsel since he became the prophet nearly six years ago has blessed my life and changed me in ways I never could have imagined, especially during the most difficult time of my life.
I read a good article about living a focused life. Not surprisingly, I do my best work in all aspects of my life when I can focus and concentrate, not when I'm acting like a scatterbrained dunderhead 😆. Staying organized in my daily life gives me a calm and present mind that helps me to be a lot more focused and successful in the things that I do.

"Focus...amplifies our ability to see the quiet beauties of everyday life."

Here was another good article, this one about books and reading...
"A house full of books is a house full of blessings." It's true!

This is one of the reasons I hold on to many of my books.

I think I lasted until mid-October this year. 😆

I sent this to Sam. I'm the egg on the far right and he's the one next to me. 😱

I've been there, and I'm sure I'll be there again! 
I think I have this children's book somewhere.

"Bachelor of Farts" 😂

When I was at the Toyota dealership while my car was being serviced, I read the most heartfelt talk by Jacob Hess that he read at his daughter's funeral earlier this fall. It had me in tears. 

They all have their merits, but I'll take the last one!