Predictably, most of my "around the house" pictures for December are Christmas-related.
I really like how these candid pictures of Sam and the tree turned out. They're kind of magical. (If only he were reading a book instead of being on his iPad, then they'd be truly magical! 😉)

This one's a little closer up...

This is one of the candles I burned last month. One of my friends gave it to me for Christmas last year. I usually have a good supply of Christmas candles for December because of candle gifts that were given to me the previous Christmas. (Am I saying "Christmas" too much? 😆)

I thought this was cool--I noticed the air currents that the candle's flame was making in shadow on the wall, and I caught it on camera.
I love it when the afternoon suns shines into the dining room and lights up my Willow Tree nativity set like this.
Sam had played around with the fake snow on the nativity table, and even though it marred the image of perfectly fallen fresh snow, I didn't mind. It reminded me of when he was little, and I liked having his handprints there, especially when he was away from home. I made no attempt to fix it.
More pretty afternoon light in the dining room.
This is my favorite spot and my favorite view at night during the holiday season!
I was bundled up nice and cozy under a blanket.
The family room feels empty for a few weeks after the tree comes down (like right now!).
Here was Sam in bed one night when I checked on him.
And here is Sam still in bed! He's the invisible boy! He really is there, hiding along the side under the stuffed animals and blankets. What can I say, my boy has excellent camouflage and hiding skills. 😄
The sun was doing nice things in the dining room again and made these pretty rainbow marks on the walls.
I once did a memorable elementary school science project about prisms so I've always been kind of partial to their effects.
I love Christmas cards! I hang them up on the sliding door wall in the dining area.
This area also looks very empty after I take the cards down. I wish Christmas could last all winter!
This trio of pictures of John when he was three years old is one of my favorite things to put out during the holidays.
A pretty owl ornament. I have many. 😁
I went outside one night because I was curious to see what the tree looked like from the backyard. These pictures don't show it very well, but the tree fills up the family room window nicely.
And look at all of the cards!
We've used this adorable Fisher-Price advent calendar ever since the boys were little, even before Sam was born. They still do it, even John (all on his own!) as a 17-year-old. For those reasons, this will always be one of my Christmas treasures.
I hope you're not too Christmassed out because my next post is going to be about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so get ready for more...Christmas! 😊🎄