I hosted Thanksgiving at my house again this year for my family, probably for the last time at this house. 😥
It was me, my mom, Jennifer, Adam, Hayley, Nate, Kat--and John and Sam! The boys are added at the end like that because it was their dad's turn to have them for Thanksgiving this year, but he was sick, so they got to be home with me instead. Obviously I was very happy about this fortunate (for me) turn of events. 😁
Breakfast was cinnamon rolls and bananas and smiley faces 😊
I made pumpkin pie and it came out well. I also made the rolls and they were delicious (if I do say so myself...and I do 😉).
Like last year, I got this fun fruit platter from Edible Arrangements.
The chocolate-covered pineapple turkey was almost as good as the actual turkey!
Sam grabbed it and ate it this year; he was too fast for me!
The dining room table is ready for its close-up, Mr. Deville, at all the angles!
Had to!
I like my dining room and I enjoy setting the table for special meals.
My mom cooked the turkey, and it came out perfect! It was super-delicious this year.
I'm fairly certain my mom is texting her boyfriend in this picture. 😆
John conked out on the couch that evening for a couple of hours. He was recovering from a cold, so the rest was good for him.
I took a picture of my mom taking a picture of John because I'm clever like that. 😄
I look really tired here (I'm sure I was), but I like this picture because it's a sweet one of some of the women who mean the most to me in life. 💗
We had fun playing Scattergories together. I came close in one of the rounds, but I didn't win. Again. 😭
A full post-Thanksgiving fridge to go along with our full post-Thanksgiving bellies!
I got a lot of "Happy Thanksgiving" messages from companies in my e-mail, and this one from April Cornell was my favorite.

All of the above happened for me, and I'm thankful for that! I'm thankful that the boys were with me on Thanksgiving, along with other beloved members of my family. I'm thankful for delicious food and for the beautiful holiday of Thanksgiving and all of the good things that it entails. 🦃