Hello from me and the boys!

I think this has become my favorite picture of the three of us. I cropped it to make it my phone's screensaver, though I ultimately went with a picture of the boys instead because I didn't like seeing myself so much. That may be hard to believe because of all my selfies posts, but it's true. I can only take so much of myself. 😆
Sam picked out this candle for me for Christmas last year and I used it as one of my jacuzzi tub candles. It burnt out in October and I took a picture of it to always remember it. Gifts from my sons are precious!

A big clean-out project I've been working on is going through bin after bin of the boys' clothes from the newborn stage on up and deciding what to keep, donate, or sell. I'm selling or donating most of it, but I'm also keeping several special things from each age group. I took pictures of a few things that I decided to sell/donate that brought back happy memories but that I didn't need to keep.
Look at the little shoes! I miss the boys being little. So much nostalgia with this project!
Something about kid shoes hits me right in the heart!
I finally decided to donate the blue doggy chair that was in Sam's room for most of his life when he was younger. It was soft and cute and he'd sometimes nap on it. It took me years to be able to say goodbye to this.
Speaking of blasts from the past, Shutterfly sends me pictures from the past sometimes, and they sent me these two adorable ones of Sam. I miss him being a baby soooo much! I absolutely loved my boys' baby and toddler stages. Some of my best memories and experiences as a mother come from those times of their lives. I've always loved babies--especially when they're mine!
I kept this cute "Mommy's Little Pumpkin" onesie during my clean-out project. I'm not giving up things like that!
This is my set-up for my medical transcription training, which has ground to a (temporary) halt in recent weeks but was going strong in October as I finished up with the the first half of the training.
I can't stop thinking about this pullover. I don't need it. I shouldn't get it. But I want it. It's in my favorite colors--navy blue, green, and pink. And it would be so soft and warm. I don't need it. But I want it.
It remains to be seen if my willpower will win out on this one or not.
Spotted at Starbucks
Angela Lansbury is one of my favorite actresses, and Murder, She Wrote has always been one of my favorite shows. She lived a good life.
The street name in the address for this house is named after my ancestor!
Look at how thrilled I am to be wearing a mask again and sitting in the E.R. for 12 hours straight with no dinner and no book and a kid with serious injuries to his leg but we still had to wait in the waiting room for five hours before making it back to the actual E.R. Behold my unsurpassed joy and excitement as I took part in this great adventure that life threw my way that day. 😷😂
My friend Chayone got married and most of us who went only found out a few days before! I hadn't been to a wedding in many years so it was really nice to go to one again. But fair warning, my pictures of it aren't great!
My stake president/former bishop walked her down the aisle, which was sweet. She joined the church when he was our bishop.
Her husband got baptized about an hour before they got married!
I loved her dress! I love weddings! But I love friends the most!
I want to read this book. It will further my desire and my quest to become an amateur Egyptologist. 😄
I took these pictures at Stake Women's Conference, which was really good. I'm a conference person through and through; I love conferences!
Random fall picture of pumpkins and Halloween decorations on my walk back to the Cape house.
These cookies are so cute!
I really like the outfit on the left. Not that I have anything fancy to wear it to, but it's super cute!
My mom's "special friend" sent her these flowers, and they were so beautiful. 😍
I'm happy for my mom that she has a boyfriend. She definitely deserves it.
I miss getting flowers from a man. Or from anyone for that matter. But especially from a man. Maybe one day again {if I'm ever able to finally get divorced! 😭}.
Speaking of divorce, I was sad to hear about Tom and Gisele's divorce, but I was also envious that the process happened so quickly for them. I bet they had pre-nups which made it a lot easier and faster. Meanwhile, my divorce has been going on for nearly two years now. 😔
I can relate.
We did this. It was fun!