My best friends from high school and I had our third annual girls' weekend in November at the Cape house. It was so much fun, and it was better than last year since the Covid situation has improved a lot (fortunately the whole Omicron thing didn't make its arrival on the scene until a few weeks later--I'm glad we dodged that bullet!).
Jen, Jill, Kerry, and I got there on Friday afternoon, and Bonnie arrived on Saturday. They all stayed until Sunday afternoon, and I left on Monday.
On Friday we went to dinner at Captain Parker's, where I found myself a nice old sea captain! Captain Parker to be exact. 😄

It was a rainy evening and the lights flickered once during dinner. It was a prelude for the next evening (read on!).

(P.S. I didn't wear my new hair because it was overdue for its first washing but I wasn't able to get into the salon for an appointment until after that weekend, so I went au naturel. I was disappointed because I wanted to show off my new locks, but oh well.)
I got us a cake!

We got fancy pedicures at my favorite nail place.
This warm towel wrap felt so good!
The fronts of our legs were slathered in fresh cucumbers.
And then massaged. It felt so good!
I chose a shimmery forest green shade for the upcoming holidays.
Pretty feet! Happy feet!
We did some shopping in the afternoon and then hung out at the house for a few hours, during which time there was an unexpected tornado warning! Our phones all went off with the alerts at the same time. So we waited it out in the basement until the warning expired. Fortunately, nothing really happened except for some rain and wind--a welcome difference from the actual tornado the house was hit by in the summer of 2019!
What an exciting girls' weekend this was turning out to be! 😆
Jen surprised us with these special mugs that she had gotten for us. I love mine! It makes me happy every time I see it and use it.
We stopped at Target to get a few things and to play around with taking silly pictures like we did during our Girls' Weekend in New Hampshire two years ago. Those pictures were better but these were still fun!
"All her little secrets" 😆
This one's my favorite!
We ate a delicious dinner at British Beer Company, where we practically had the restaurant to ourselves.
The joys of the off-season!
The next day we walked down to the beach, where there happened to be an old rocking chair that was the perfect photo prop! Jen did a little photo shoot with the mug.
And then we did our own mugs for the camera. 😁
I call this one "classy lady -- with aviators -- by the sea" 😆
We used the self-timer on my phone and set it up on the chair to take these two pictures and they came out surprisingly well!
This one's my favorite and definitely frameworthy!
Then we did some fun shopping at Mashpee Commons, where I found a great pair of reindeer glasses!
When we got back to the house before they left to go home, we tried to do a re-creation of the tornado warning the night before with some silly pictures in the yard. We're still teens at heart, at least in some ways!
This picture didn't turn out quite the way we envisioned, but it was hilarious trying! 😂
And last but not least, like last year we did the stick-on mustaches. Kerry's faces are still the best. 😆
It was a great weekend! I'm so blessed to have good friends in my life, both old and new. I've been friends with these ladies ever since I was 13--that's 28 years--and I love them and am so thankful for the love and support they give me, especially over this past challenging year. Life really is better with besties!