I went to not one but two antique shops last month, and it was so much fun! They were both nearby and were full of treasures, especially the second one, which was huge!
At the first one, there was a lot of really nicely restored antique furniture, which I'm not in the market for at the moment, but I did get this pretty glass pitcher that caught my eye. Green is my favorite color (and incidentally, today is St. Patrick's Day!).
The other store was Bernat Antiques. It's in an old mill factory, which I think is the perfect place for an antique store.
The two women on the right are two of my friends who I went with, Shelley and Jenny (Meredith took the picture, and I was inside buying my things).
A trio of Egypt-themed hatboxes. I was tempted. Next time I go back if they're still there, I might get them.
There were lots of owls! This was a cute little owl coin bank.
This was a "snow owl" container full of Avon powder from 1976!
I almost got this dusty old owl candle but then thought better of it. Sorry, little dude.
"Barn Owl Botanicals"
There was a cage of creepy doll heads! 😱😂
I liked this porcelain figurine. It reminded me of similar figurines my mom and I used to have when I was growing up.
I loved how they hung a ladder sideways on the wall and used it for a bookshelf. How clever, and picturesque!
I liked the idea of this festive antique sled as a decoration for the front porch at Christmastime. When Meredith went back the following week I had her pick it up for me.
I wanted to get this pretty little Thomas Kinkade lamp, but unfortunately I don't have a good place for it right now, and I've been trying not to get things that I don't have a place for. Sigh. 

After our very productive trip, we went out to lunch. It was a really fun way to spend a rainy Saturday!
Here are some of the things I got that day.
This was my favorite find. A functioning antique owl bell! I absolutely love it!
I collect vintage copies of Nancy Drew books. I scored two that day!
I got an old copy of Pilgrim's Progress. It's a classic!
I bought this pretty stack of antique books to display on one of the bookshelves.
And I had to get this "circa 1918" copy of Peter Rabbit and Sammy Squirrel. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Peter Rabbit because of John, and Sammy Squirrel reminded me of Sam. And 1918! That's when World War I and the Spanish Flu were happening!
With the plastic cover off...
I love antique shops and the treasures found within them. They help keep history alive, and they make my heart happy!