"No pictures!" (Too late)

John and Bentwood have been together since John was one year old. 😽
John and my mom challenged each other to an arm-wrestling match. It was so funny! They must have about equal arm strength because they couldn't beat each other.

They had a re-match using the opposite arms and they still tied. I think it's pretty impressive that my mom is as strong as her super-fit teenage grandson! Especially because she broke her wrist a year ago! I enjoyed teasing John that he still can't beat his grandma in an arm-wrestling match. 😂💪

He had two National Ninja League competitions in December, and he did well at both of them. These are some professional photos that were taken at the last one.

Like his mother, Sam enjoys jacuzzi bubble baths. (But unlike his mother, he likes to go underwater and get his head wet!) He was trying to hide his whole body under the bubbles except for his arm standing up. Kind of like a bubble bath avalanche. 😆

Sam made this for me. 💖
The scripture is from Nephi in the Book of Mormon. Latter-day Saints don't typically use the cross the way other Christians do, but the boys and I had recently discovered the hilarious movie Nacho Libre, which is set at a Catholic orphanage in Mexico, so Sam went with that. He wanted it to go on the tree, so we had this big cross on our tree for most of the month. 😆
Sam is interested in black holes and we watched a really good NOVA program about them on PBS ("Black Hole Apocalypse"), and then we looked up the first picture of an actual black hole that was captured a couple of years ago.
In one of his favorite spots, doing one of his favorite things (Roblox).
Looking down on my little love!
He got a sidewinder roller coaster set for Christmas. It's not Lego, but a similar brick-type system. Here he is getting started on it.
Unfortunately he got really frustrated with it when he was putting the track on and hasn't worked on it since, so it's still sitting on the table, incomplete. I have to help him build his resilience and and finish it up this month!
Both Boys
They've been having fun wrestling each other, usually after dinner. John is obviously much stronger and more experienced than Sam is, but he's pretty good about going easy on him and making it fun.
Post-wrestling match, just chillin' 😎
I think John was telling me not to take pictures. As you can see, I didn't listen.
A forced smile 😆
I love my boys! 💙💙