I had a goal to read 45 books last year, and I exceeded it by one book, which I finished in the nick of time on New Year's Eve. 🙌 (You wouldn't know that I read 46 books from the Goodreads graphic below because they didn't update my total number of books read at the top. It's okay, I'll forgive them.) I read some great books last year, and some stinkers. Such is the nature of reading. This year I have the same goal, to read 45 books again. That averages out to about four books per month, which is a reasonable amount for me and the types of books I read. I love reading; it opens up my world, I learn a lot from it, and and it's a healthy respite from the realities of life. 📚

This is my journey in books for 2020!
Updated January 1, 2021. Newly completed books appear after a delay.
My average rating for 2020
I'd never heard about how this happened after 9/11 and I found it so interesting and heartwarming. I have a whole new level of respect for Newfoundland and its people. (And now I know how to pronounce it correctly too!) It's refreshing to read about the inherent goodness of people, especially in the midst of tragedy perpetrated by fellow humans whose inherent goodness has been extinguished. Good will always win in the end. ...more
I learned so much about this country's beginnings as well as the history of my Mayflower ancestors from reading this very well-researched and well-written account. It doesn't paint a totally rosy picture by any means and is honest about the good and the bad, which I appreciated. It's neat to live right near where these things took place. It brings history to life, and there's so much to learn from it. I think this book or at least excerpts from i ...more
You can easily add books to this list by setting the Date Read for each book to any time in 2020.
Are you re-reading? That counts too!
Are you re-reading? That counts too!