Thursday, December 17, 2020

Christmasy Things

 In the fall I was called as the First Counselor in the Relief Society presidency in my ward. Last month the president sent us in the presidency some different quotes to consider using for Christmas gift bags that we were giving to all the women. These ones were my favorites and so I saved them on my phone, and now they're making their grand entrance onto my blog πŸ˜„. Want to guess which one we ended up using for the gift bags? 

They're all President Monson quotes. He of course had a lot of great ones.

If you guessed the second one, you guessed right. They're all nice but that's the one we all liked best. It was fun to deliver the gift bags to women in the ward. Our secretary Laurie is a super-talented seamstress and she made a cute Christmas-themed mask for everyone. She gave me a few extras and they're my favorite masks to wear because they fit perfectly, and they're really comfortable and cute. 

This is one of my favorite things to do at Christmastime. I did it last night, and I plan on doing it again tonight!
