I think June is the prettiest month. These are scenes of June 2020 from around the yard.
Budding roses...
A few weeks later, blooming roses...
A thunderstorm was rolling in and I liked the ominous-looking clouds.
These only bloom for a couple of weeks in June. I can never remember what they are!
These roses and lavender flowers are such a pretty combination. This is possibly my favorite spot in the yard in June.
I can't get enough of them!
These pretty flowers and roses line the back deck.
😍 Rosebushes in the front of the house 😍 Pinch me!
Hydrangeas, the classic flower of summer and one of my favorites!
Fun tropical-looking lilies that bloom each June into early July
I love being in the backyard when the trees are all leafy and green and it's nice and warm out. It's fenced in and it feels like a private oasis. I guess because it is!