We were dressed in the same colors one Sunday and as you can see Sam was thrilled to take a picture of this phenomenon with me. 😄

On one of the last normal school mornings before everything went downhill.
(He's dressed in gray and black again!)
We were dressed in the same colors one Sunday and as you can see Sam was thrilled to take a picture of this phenomenon with me. 😄

On one of the last normal school mornings before everything went downhill.
(He's dressed in gray and black again!)
A cute way to carry a "stuffie" around.

Found on my phone from when he was making videos and taking pictures for a YouTube video he was putting together about water bottle flipping.
Cleaning up his trash and dishes at the end of the day, with a mischievous smile on his face (he stuck his butt out right after I took this but I'm not including that picture).
Oh fine, here it is.
"Why are you taking my picture while I eat, Mom?" I'm so weird (I said it for him).
John joined a wrestling club for their spring session and only got to do TWO practices before it shut down because of the virus.
At the table again
Me 😁
All of us
This was part of a special get well video we were doing with some of my friends for our friend who'd just gotten a mastectomy.
After a mild and boring winter, snow finally fell. In March.
Within 24 hours it was of course all gone.
Then we got a bigger "snowstorm" that month--it was only about an inch or two and was all gone by the next day, but it was still kind of cool (literally, ha ha). March was so weird this year.
The next day...
I saw this on Facebook and liked it. Literally.
This is a good thing to tell yourself on a bad day.
Lincoln was the best. I wish he were the president now, and I say that as a Trump supporter. He navigated the country successfully through the Civil War and ended slavery. We need those skills now more than ever.
I changed my phone's screensaver to this pretty picture.
Oh Joe.
Who needs a bodyguard when you have Jill Biden? 😂 She went after this protester who stormed the stage while Biden was speaking. Jill was on it!
I saw this map of Boston in the paper and took a picture of it to keep on my phone because the layout of Boston and its different neighborhoods has always confused me. I can find my way around Philadelphia and New York City way more easily than my hometown city.
The lovely Cape! I know my way around it pretty well by now.
I stubbed my toe really badly. It hurt for days.
From the Police Beat in the town paper. 😂 Sometimes they have the funniest things in there.
Yummy veggie-tarian lunch
This encapsulates my life fairly well. Except for painting.
Waiting in line to go in to Target right before it opened. This was in the early days when many people were on the hunt for things like toilet paper and disinfecting wipes.
President Nelson calls it again in an October 2019 General Conference talk to the men of the church: ..."This is the only way you will keep yourself and your family spiritually safe in the challenging days ahead."