Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Holiday Things Around the House

A flower garden around the kitchen sink! Two arrangements are real and two are fake. It's pretty obvious which are which, right?

I got an advent candle and I really liked it. I got a late start because I was sick with that terrible cold/flu/pre-coronavirus(?) at the beginning of the month, but it wasn't too hard to catch up.

I also got a German musical advent calendar. Some of the songs were the traditional ones I knew but around half were tunes I'd never heard of.

I got some more Hallmark merch too.  

A Hallmark Channel ugly Christmas sweater; perfect! I want someone to throw a holiday ugly sweater party this year so that I can wear it out. (I don't want that someone to be me.)
I made a batch of festive Christmas M&M chocolate chip cookies for a cookie swap I hosted for December's book club.

Hello there Brian! 

The boys and I (and Bentwood) enjoyed a surprisingly peaceful evening by the tree watching the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. I love these pictures!

Getting closer to the big day! 

I made a few dozen more of those Christmas cookies for our ministering families and these ones turned out even better than the batch I made earlier in the month. I was very pleased!

Tomorrow I'll post about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! 🎅