These "randoms" are all from the Cape, which is where we spent all but the first day of the month.

A Target store was being built on the end of the Cape Cod Mall. Finally, a Target on the Cape! I can't wait!
Surfing at the Inflatable Park
"Might as whale" -- so cute!
The whale watch we went on really got me in the mood for whales, I guess! Don't worry, they won't take the place of my beloved owls! 🦉
I love this idea...
My stars and stripes Kate Spade bags
At the library
I have to admit, I'm a big fan of puns.
I took this survey the day before my birthday. It was the last time I could accurately answer for being in this particular age group. And then it's like, everything above "39 or over" is just old. 😩

The new post-tornado patio table umbrella. It has lights!
Sam cut his hair. Neither of the boys had ever done that before, so it was a classic childhood/parenting experience that was bound to happen at some point. We went to Supercuts to try to make the best of it.
Why Sam, why? He had regrets. 😆
I like my swimsuit cover-up
The reclining armchair in the living room broke, so we had to get a new one. The old one sat out on the front porch for a few weeks before I paid our trash company to take it away.
The replacement chair is nice! More pictures to come next week.
Rocco spent a few days with us on his own and that was fun for the boys.
Rocco on the zipline at the Inflatable Park

We spent a nice afternoon at the lake beach in the neighborhood where we used to rent a house.
I'm dying to go to England! Ironically the Cape is about as close as I physically get to that esteemed isle.