Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Antics of Boys

The antics of boys are fun to watch (sometimes), especially when they're my boys!

Sam shows his strength...


I don't remember why Sam was doing this. 😂

One day after school Sam did the most random thing. He played his recorder hanging upside down from a tree in the front yard. I have no idea why he did this but it was funny! 

Of course the antics of the modern-day boy so very often involve technology and gaming of some sort.

John went to a Stake Youth Conference where the keynote speaker was Alex Guerrero, who is Tom Brady's trainer/nutritionist/massage therapist/right-hand man/BFF. Brother Guerrero is a member of our stake and I personally find him to be inspiring and quite brilliant. John got to try on his Super Bowl ring!

John also got to go to a Bruins game in Boston with his friend Zach.

 Sam did a fun low-key ninja competition at his gym with fellow classmates. This is his best "ninja" friend, Joe.

I love my boys and the fun and funny things they do! 💙💙