Last September Sam turned 9, his last year in the single digits!
He was (and still is) really into roller coasters. My cousin Becky made this awesome roller coaster cake for his party (we had a pool party at our house with my family and Peter's). 
Unbeknownst to me, Becky searched my photos on Facebook and found this one of Sam on a roller coaster and used it for the cake. What a great touch!
The back of the cake. I was so impressed by all of the attention to detail! This was such a great cake.
Sam loves presents!
Here was Sam on his actual birthday. He got this cute (owl-themed!) crown at school.
(That stuff under his nose is a mysterious case of impetigo that he picked up somewhere!)
He opened his big present from us that evening -- a Nintendo Switch!
How cute is he?
Looking back on the past year, I can say that 9 was a good year for Sam. He grew a lot, physically, emotionally, and intellectually. The move to Massachusetts from Iowa wasn't an easy one for him and he handled it well. I love my little Sam-man so much and I'm so thankful for him. Being his mother is one of the greatest blessings in my life. 💗