You know you're on a good-quality cruise when the food on the ship rarely disappoints. And the food on Harmony of the Seas rarely disappointed!
We usually ate breakfast and some lunches at Windjammer Cafe, which was the ship's big buffet restaurant. It was only one floor down from our suite, which was convenient.
Behold the biggest pan of pasta I've ever seen!
Sam's favorite restaurant on the ship was Windjammer. He likes choosing what he wants to eat from big buffets. And he was always able to get chocolate ice cream there (one of his favorite desserts).
We ate an elegant and delicious dinner at a nice restaurant called Park 150 on Formal Night. It was in Central Park (hence the name).
I'm not a big fan of salt with my food but these different types of salt from around the world were GOOD!

We had an amazing dining experience at the most unique restaurant I've probably ever been to. It was called Wonderland. Sam didn't want to go (his food tastes aren't too sophisticated yet) so he had an early dinner at Windjammer and then stayed in the suite while Peter, John, and I enjoyed the delicious culinary wonders of Wonderland.

In order to see the menu you had to brush it with a wet paintbrush. The food was all based on natural elements as you can see below (sun, ice, fire, sea, and earth).
Deviled eggs get their well-deserved due! ๐
Tomatoes and cheese are one of my favorite food combinations.
I've always disliked tomato juice like V8 but this tomato water was seriously so surprisingly good! I've found myself thinking about it randomly over the last year, wanting to drink it from one of these tubes again. It really was magically delicious!
The portions were small but there were many different dishes brought out so when we left we were comfortably full.
This was a cool dessert that melted when the server poured something hot on it (I can't remember exactly what). You know it has to be unique when both Peter and John are taking pictures/videos of it!
This was the view from our table.

John broke this couch.

Just kidding, it was already like that! We were in Wonderland, after all.
Wonderland was whimsical, unique, and delicious. I highly recommend it if you ever go on this ship.
At least there's some fruit!
On our last full day of the cruise we ate lunch at Izumi, a hibachi grill on the ship. It was soooo good!
Sam was mad at John about something, can you tell? ๐
He loaned his sword to the warrior. How nice!
The hibachi chef was a fun guy.
Now that's how you make some super fresh and authentic fried rice!
I don't have a picture but I got hibachi steak for my entree and it was fantastic.
Dessert was these yummy little ice cream balls (I forget what they're called)--they're biscuit-like on the outside and cold and creamy on the inside.
My sundae at our last dinner on the ship in the Coastal Kitchen.
We were very well-fed on this cruise! Good thing we didn't have to be rolled off the ship!