Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Catio

Brody and Bentwood loved hanging out together on the "catio" when the weather was nice. These pictures are from last June, and because we left for the summer at the beginning of July and Brody tragically passed away a few weeks later, these are my last picture of him in one of his favorite spots. 


One day Brody was sticking his tongue out while he rested. This was a pretty good symbol for how he usually seemed to feel about me. 😝 

But how I loved him anyway! If anything, even more so! (Much to his dismay.)

Bentwood is such a sweet, mellow, good-natured cat, which makes him popular with the pet professionals. When I take him to the vet for check-ups, techs will come in just to pet him and say hi because they like him so much. Same with when I board him. He really is a sweetheart.

This one on the other hand...
"Leave me alone, I'm layin' in my sun spot."

Sun-habilitation...I really do think the fresh air and sunshine helped him feel better.
When you find that sleeping position that's just right...

 I miss this view so much.

I've found this to be so true in my life:
"Time spent with cats is never wasted."
-Sigmund Freud