October was a productive month for me. The kids and I didn't have many appointments or special events so I had time to get stuff done. I love getting things done; it's so rewarding!
These are some of the things I did in October, several of them long overdue:
✓ Completely cleaned out and organized all of the files in our file cabinet. I've been meaning to do this for years! {Big sigh of relief that it's finally done!}
✓ Started and finished a big clean-out and organizing project that should have been done ages ago for the church/gospel-related things and articles that I've accumulated over the last 20+ years (seriously), and made a plan to use them regularly now that they're organized into nice, neat 3-ring binders and/or magazine holders.
✓ Did a similar project for travel articles I've saved over the years (I love 3-ring binders!)
✓ Put the photos from our Disney cruise in March into photo albums and picture frames
✓ Got all the pictures off my phone and uploaded to Shutterfly
✓ Got new garage doors installed
✓ Designed our Christmas card. This is the earliest I've ever done that. I plan on ordering them this week. (Let me know if you want one!)
✓ Cleaned out and re-organized all of my craft supplies
✓ Cleaned out Sam's art table
✓ Seasonal wardrobe switch for me and the kids
It feels good to have gotten these and other things done in October. I love being a stay-at-home mom with no kids at home during the day! 😂
I'm lowering my expectations for November, which is going to be much busier than October was. The kids and I have several appointments, there will be "special events" like band concerts, there's a no school day, my dad will be visiting, and we'll be going on vacation for over a week. So my to-do list for November is going to be much shorter (although probably still too long--I like a challenge 😉) in order to help preserve my sanity (what's left of it, anyway)!