Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fall in My Yard

In defiance of the overly early and particularly cruel onset of winter, I've decided to post about fall all this week. 

I was putting away laundry in Sam's room one day about a month ago and noticed how pretty the view was out of his window.

The above view outside "in the flesh," so to speak. 

The leaves start to fall as October progresses...

 Even the ivy that popped up on the house over the summer changed color.  
How very Ivy League of it. 

 This is our summer-to-fall tree. 
I like how it changes color slowly from the top down, easing its way slowly but surely into the new season.



Our festive front stoop fall display, nice and simple, mums and pumpkins.
Note that the mums are still alive! They lived all through October, fulfilling my goal of not having to replace them before Halloween. It's a new record for mums' longevity for me, yay!

And an orange-and-black Halloween wreath on the door completes the decor.

Fall is such a pretty season, but all too fleeting. I can't believe it's already over!