Today for Nature Photo Tuesday I'm posting pictures of some of the flowers that I took last summer. Flowers are one of my favorite things to photograph in nature because they're so pretty and unique. I like the way sunlight shines on them or water drops bead up on their petals. They're lovely in bunches or just as one single flower on its own.
Location: Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Date: Summer 2011
These pretty lavender flowers were lining a walkway at Roger Williams Zoo in Providence, Rhode Island.
These big puffy blue hydrangeas were on the beautiful grounds of The Breakers mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. That's John and my cute nephew Rocco admiring the blooms.
More puffy hydrangeas, these ones pink, in downtown Newport.
White wildflowers on the grounds of Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts. (Are they Queen Anne's Lace? I'm not sure.)
Pretty hanging flower baskets lining a wrap-around porch (I love those!) at a seaside Bed & Breakfast in Plymouth. I snapped this picture quickly as we drove by because I had to get a picture of all of those flowers and that awesome porch!
The rest of these pictures were taken on the island of Nantucket, which is off the coast of Massachusetts. Consider this a sneak preview of a post I'm planning for next week about our weekend trip to this totally swanky and historic island for my birthday last July.
Seriously? This was someone's private garden. This is how people on Nantucket live!
I love flower boxes! Nantucket has lots of them.
Aren't they just lovely? I love them all!