Thanksgiving was really nice this year. We drove up to Massachusetts to spend the day and most of the weekend with my family. The meal was delicious, and the company was excellent (which isn't always the case with your family. Or at least with my family!). We ate in the living room at a long wooden table in front of a warm crackling fire in my beloved old house in my hometown. I was thankful for all of those things.
The calm before the storm
The early arrivals to the table (Peter, my brother Ben--who is pointedly looking the other way, and my niece Hayley)
Corn and pineapple were pretty much all John would eat for his little feast. Picky eater!
My sister Elizabeth, her boyfriend Justin, Ben, and my brother-in-law Adam
John, me, my mom, my sister Jennifer, her daughter Hayley, and her hubby Adam
My brother Nathan, my dad, and Elizabeth
After the meal John danced around on the table to add a little live entertainment to the day.
Grumpy little turkey! (He was telling me to go away)I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving too. Can you believe that Christmas is only a little over
two weeks away? How'd that happen!?