...But I want the food NOW! I've been craving Thanksgiving foods for the past few days. It's driving me a little crazy. I can't get the thought of juicy turkey, perfectly cooked stuffing, hot, soft rolls, sweet potatoes, and all of those other delicious Turkey Day goodies out of my mind. One thing is for sure: I'm
really going to enjoy next week's feast when it finally comes. Especially since I don't have to cook it. Sometimes I can't believe that I'm 28 and have never cooked a Thanksgiving meal. How'd that happen? This is how: it's easy when you switch off between your family and your husband's family every other year. I wonder how much longer we can get away with this? I'm guessing we won't have to be responsible for the big meal until I'm at least in my early 30s. If it can last beyond that, all the better! This year we're spending the holiday in Massachusetts with my family. All we have to bring is a chocolate trifle for dessert and three bottles of sparkling cider. That definitely works for me!