I was going to write about something else today, but the weather is ridiculously beautiful here in New England today, so I must write and post pictures of that instead. The weather is perfect: it's mild (mid 70s), sunny, and even though there's still a lot of green, the foliage is becoming more intense and vivid in color. It's absolutely gorgeous. I'm a little stunned by the beauty of fall each year. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I guess I'm not. And I guess that's a good thing!

After dropping John off at preschool this morning, I took my dog Christy for a special walk. For the first time we went to a walking/biking path that's a few minutes away from my house. How have I lived here for for over two years and never gone on this path? I realized as I was walking how much I've been missing out on, and I resolved to get out and walk the many beautiful paths that are in the area a lot more with my grateful dog (she loves walks, and has been getting jipped for awhile). After all, walking in the beauty of nature is excellent for the soul! Especially on such a beautiful fall day like today.
The beginning of the path

I love my puppy. I still call her my puppy even though she's over 13 years old now. I got her when she was an adorable little six-week-old puppy, and I was a freshman in high school. I love it that we're still together!

Sunshine and trees are two of my favorite things, especially when they're together.

Happy, peaceful, and content I love the woods. I cannot live happily without woods.
What a perfect fall day!